This function is designed to gather and retrieve detailed information about all installed applications by performing queries on the system registry. The information it returns includes a wide range of data points, such as the application's publisher, the name of the application, its version number, and the unique product code assigned to it. Additionally, it provides the uninstall string, which can be used to remove the application, as well as the source from which the application was installed, the exact location of the application files on the system, and the date the application was installed. It also identifies the application's architecture (e.g., whether it is a 32-bit or 64-bit application), among other relevant details. This functionality is crucial for system administrators or IT professionals who need a clear and thorough overview of the software installed on a system.
PowerShell Code
Function Get-App { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves information about installed applications. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves information about installed applications by querying the registry. Returns information about application publisher, name & version, product code, uninstall string, install source, location, date, application architecture, etc. .PARAMETER Product The name of the application to retrieve information for. Performs a contains match on the application display name by default. .PARAMETER Exact Specifies that the named application must be matched using the exact name. .PARAMETER WildCard Specifies that the named application must be matched using a wildcard search. .PARAMETER RegEx Specifies that the named application must be matched using a regular expression search. .PARAMETER Excludes Performs a -notmatch (!($Object.DisplayName -match $Exclude) comparison against applications found and excludes them from the results. .PARAMETER Computer The host name of the device you are querying. Default is: $env:COMPUTERNAME .PARAMETER Hive Specifies the registry hive to search for applications. Default is: HKLM 32-Bit and 64-Bit .EXAMPLE Get-App -Product Firefox .EXAMPLE Get-App -Product "Mozilla Firefox 60.0 ESR (x86 en-US)" -Exact .EXAMPLE Get-App -Product Firefox -Excludes plugin,walkme .EXAMPLE Get-App -Product Kindle -Hive HKCU NOTE: This will only retrieve information for the current logged-on user. .EXAMPLE Get-App -Computer NW159106 -Product Firefox -Exclude plugin,walkme .NOTES Author: Nathan C. Hoy (nchoy) #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Product, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$Exact = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$WildCard = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$RegEx = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String[]]$Excludes, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("HKLM-X86X64", "HKLM-X86", "HKLM-X64", "HKCU", "ALL", IgnoreCase)] [string]$Hive = "HKLM-X86X64" ) $All_Objects = @() $SIDS = @("S-1-5-18", "S-1-5-19", "S-1-5-20") [string]${CmdletName} = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name If (($Hive -eq "HKLM-X86X64") -or ($Hive -eq "HKLM-X86") -or ($Hive -eq "HKLM-X64") -or ($Hive -eq "ALL")) { If (($Hive -eq "HKLM-X86X64") -or ($Hive -eq "ALL")) { $REGPATHS = @("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall", "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") } If ($Hive -eq "HKLM-X86") { $REGPATHS = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" } If ($Hive -eq "HKLM-X64") { $REGPATHS = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" } ForEach ($RegPath in $RegPaths) { $HKLM = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $Computer, 'Registry64') $HKLM_SUBKEY = $HKLM.OpenSubKey($RegPath) $HKLM_SUBKEY.GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach-Object { $SubKey = $HKLM_SUBKEY.OpenSubKey($_) If ($SubKey.GetValue("DisplayName")) { $Object = New-Object PsObject $Object | Add-Member NoteProperty MachineName $Computer $Object | Add-Member NoteProperty RegLocation $SubKey.Name $Object | Add-Member NoteProperty PSChildName ($SubKey.Name -split '\\')[-1] ## GUID ForEach ($Name in $subkey.GetValueNames()) { If ($Name -ne [string]:: Empty) <# Error Handle for Empty Values #> { $Object | Add-Member NoteProperty "$Name" $subkey.GetValue("$Name") } } If ($Object -ne $null) { $All_Objects += $Object } } $SubKey.Close() } $HKLM_SUBKEY.Close() $HKLM.Close() } } If (($Hive -eq "ALL") -or ($Hive -eq "HKCU")) { $HKEYUSERS = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('USERS', $Computer) $HKEYUSERS_ALL = $HKEYUSERS.GetSubKeyNames() | Where-Object { $_ -notin $SIDS } $HKEYUSERS_ALL | ForEach-Object { $UNINSTALL_KEY = "$_\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" Try { $UNINSTALL_SUBKEY = $HKEYUSERS.OpenSubKey($UNINSTALL_KEY) If ($UNINSTALL_SUBKEY) { $UNINSTALL_SUBKEY.GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach-Object { $SUBKEY = $UNINSTALL_SUBKEY.OpenSubKey($_) If ($SubKey.GetValue("DisplayName")) { $Object = New-Object PsObject $Object | Add-Member NoteProperty MachineName $Computer $Object | Add-Member NoteProperty RegLocation $SubKey.Name $Object | Add-Member NoteProperty PSChildName ($SubKey.Name -split '\\')[-1] ## GUID ForEach ($Name in $subkey.GetValueNames()) { If ($Name -ne [string]:: Empty) <# Error Handle for Empty Values #> { $Object | Add-Member NoteProperty "$Name" $subkey.GetValue("$Name") } } If ($Object -ne $null) { $All_Objects += $Object } } $SUBKEY.Close() } $UNINSTALL_SUBKEY.Close() } } Catch ## Search was not performed with administrative/elevated rights. { If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { } } } $HKEYUSERS.Close() } If ($All_Objects -ne $null) { ForEach ($Object in $All_Objects) { If (-not $Excludes) { If ($Exact) ## Check for an exact application name match { If (($Object.DisplayName -eq $Product) -or ($Object.Publisher -eq $Product)) { $Object } } ElseIf ($Wildcard) ## Check for wildcard application name match { If (($Object.DisplayName -like $Product) -or ($Object.Publisher -like $Product)) { $Object } } ElseIf ($RegEx) ## Check for a regex application name match { If (($Object.DisplayName -match $Product) -or ($Object.Publisher -match $Product)) { $Object } } ElseIf (($Object.DisplayName -match [regex]::Escape($Product)) -or ($Object.Publisher -match [regex]::Escape($Product))) ## No Switch Parameter Specified { $Object } } If ($Excludes) { [string[]]$ExcludesArray = $Excludes -Split ',' If ($Exact) ## Check for an exact application name match { If (($Object.DisplayName -eq $Product) -or ($Object.Publisher -eq $Product)) { $ObjectPass = @() ForEach ($Exclude in $ExcludesArray) { If (!($Object.DisplayName -match $Exclude)) { $ObjectPass += "True" } ElseIf ($Object.DisplayName -match $Exclude) { $ObjectPass += "False" } } If ($ObjectPass -notcontains 'False') { $Object } } } ElseIf ($Wildcard) ## Check for wildcard application name match { If (($Object.DisplayName -like $Product) -or ($Object.Publisher -like $Product)) { $ObjectPass = @() ForEach ($Exclude in $ExcludesArray) { If (!($Object.DisplayName -match $Exclude)) { $ObjectPass += "True" } ElseIf ($Object.DisplayName -match $Exclude) { $ObjectPass += "False" } } If ($ObjectPass -notcontains 'False') { $Object } } } ElseIf ($RegEx) ## Check for a regex application name match { If (($Object.DisplayName -match $Product) -or ($Object.Publisher -match $Product)) { $ObjectPass = @() ForEach ($Exclude in $ExcludesArray) { If (!($Object.DisplayName -match $Exclude)) { $ObjectPass += "True" } ElseIf ($Object.DisplayName -match $Exclude) { $ObjectPass += "False" } } If ($ObjectPass -notcontains 'False') { $OBject } } } ElseIf (($Object.DisplayName -match [regex]::Escape($Product)) -or ($Object.Publisher -match [regex]::Escape($Product))) ## No Switch Parameter Specified { $ObjectPass = @() ForEach ($Exclude in $ExcludesArray) { If (!($Object.DisplayName -match $Exclude)) { $ObjectPass += "True" } ElseIf ($Object.DisplayName -match $Exclude) { $ObjectPass += "False" } } If ($ObjectPass -notcontains 'False') { $Object } } } } } }