During a recent Windows 7 to Windows 10 migration, we encountered an issue during the testing phase where some of the capture processes were taking significantly longer than expected. Additionally, we observed that some captures were being directed to the wrong Distribution Points. After reviewing the logs, we discovered that these machines were connected to the VPN. To resolve this, we needed to find a way to prevent captures from occurring under these conditions. By applying specific WMI queries to the task sequence, we were able to achieve this. Please note that your IP4RouteTable values may vary, and since we use Cisco AnyConnect for VPN, your adapter might be different as well.
WMI Query
If (Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_IP4RouteTable WHERE Name like '10.18.%.%' or Name like '10.88.%.%' or Name like '10.28.%.%' or Name like '10.38.%.%' or Name like '10.48.%.%' or Name like '10.58.%.%'") { } If (Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter where Name like '%Cisco%' and NetEnabled='True'") { }